Flaming Fist Martial Arts Named Best of 2023 – We’re proud about this nomination. You want to be a part of us, feel free to contact us.

Through Martial Arts we build confidence, improve co-ordinatioen, concentration, improve fitness and self discipline.
Training times
Tuesday Classes 6.30pm to 7.30pm children 7.30pm to 8.30pm adults
Friday Classes 7.00pm to 8.00pm children 8.00pm to 9.00pm adults
Address: Countess Wear Community School Glasshouse Lane, Exeter EX2 7B
Class turn out has been excellent and we even have had some new joiners. Looking forward to the middle of May when our adults students can also return to class.
We have also had some new enquiries from adults looking to try something new. Great to be back and great to be moving forward again with our lessons. Good Times to come.
Due to the latest lock down in England we will unfortunately be unable to train together until probably the end of March at the earliest. We will keep all of our students advised by email, by our Facebook page and on this site of any updates that we have for you. It is very sad that we have to close again so soon after reopening but it is in the best interests of our students, instructors, family and friends that we follow the government guidelines to keep us all safe. Hopefully the vaccines being distibuted will mean a reduction in cases and an easing of the lock down throughout the country. Stay safe everyone and fingers crossed for a better 2021.
Back from our Tour of Germany. Great clubs and awesome people. So friendly and open to new ideas. Looking forward to coming back again and again in the years to come.